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Author Topic: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance  (Read 12478 times)


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CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« on: March 19, 2017, 12:37:52 PM »
For those of you who are currently in the middle of your midget hockey experience or perhaps even better those of you who are just moving up into midgets this is for you.  I am posting this to bring attention to the lack of governance for midget hockey officiating. 
2017-02-26 CAHA Playdowns - Bears 18aa @ Wave 18aa-1 - NorCal Homering or Incompetency?
Let me first say that we need refs for our kids to play this game they love so much and they need to be treated with respect.  But we also need them to be trained properly and be as consistent as possible from game to game so that kids learn properly.  They are as much a teacher as the kid’s coaches.  I get that refs are going to make a mistake here and there and that is fine. 
But to be so off the mark all over the ice during a playoff game is completely unacceptable.  I place a lot of the blame on CAHA as they do nothing to improve this issue. 

CAHA is more concerned about the parents in the crowd than the game itself.  They are more focused on unruly parents than what is causing the problem.  Perhaps if they address the root of the issue the other will go away, or at least decrease substantially?  There were 3-4 CAHA officials walking around the crowd providing no governance on what was happing on the ice at all.  Not sure why so they are there.  I would rather see a Sr Referee overseeing the game than some empty suit walking around.
My suggestion to you is to push your clubs and push CAHA to address this issue sooner than later.  We all put a lot of time and money into our kids each season and to watch it go out the window due to referee incompetency and/or homering is not acceptable.
CAHA:  You get what you pay for.  So instead of being cheap, why don’t you pay a little more for the officials to provide a higher quality product for your customers?  I believe USA hockey guidelines recommend using an L3 ref and linesmen for a Tier 2 game.  I can’t believe the officials you used met that for the 18aa playdowns.  But then again how would we know nothing is published on the game sheets or elsewhere for that matter.  I guess we just should believe it is so?

CAHA: You need to come up with a way to incentivize the officials that you use to do a better more consistent job.  There should be some checks and balances to ensure fairness.
A few suggestions:
·      Move to a four-official system like high school uses (at a minimum for playoffs and states)
o   Most officials cannot keep up with the pace these kids skate at so they are always behind the play and out of position
·      Ensure that the officials used in a playoff games are split from the regions (NorCal -SoCal)
o   This will help mitigate any homering
·      Dis-allow all pre-game conversations between officials and coaches unless each team coach is present for the discussion.
o    We have all seen too many times coaches buttering up the officials prior to game start
o   Keep it strictly professional and ethical
·      Ensure that a Sr Referee is overseeing the games to providing feedback to the on-ice officials
For CAHA to say that they do not want to change because it would cost more is also unacceptable.  I cannot believe it would cost each player that much more over the course of a season to provide an additional ref or a higher quality official.  What is another hundred or two dollars added on to a season?  We already are spending 5-10k(with travel) and I think every family would be willing pay a little more if they were getting a higher quality product.

The other issue I see is the choice of venues for Playdowns and States.  Here is another area that CAHA needs to address.  We should not be holding a Tier level of playoffs in a facility that is having issues with their ice.  Case in point: Vacaville Ice visitor net not staying in position during the game.  As well as having officials that do not know how to mitigate it or at least unwilling to do so.
2017-02-26 CAHA Playdowns - Bears 18aa @ Wave 18aa-1 - Goal Net Issues All Game:
Not sure why the officials refused to water the net down in the first and third period’s while the Bears where in goal.  But did water it down the one and only time in the second that it came off while the Wave was in goal.
Bottom line, we all want to see a fair and even chance given to both teams during the game.  With the officiating, we got during this game that was not close to happening.

Good luck to all future midgets and clubs.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 12:43:00 PM by Foursticks »


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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2017, 05:12:11 PM »
So after watching the video, I would have to say I don't see a big issue.
If you start off in a conspiracy mode just because the refs are talking to one coach more than the other...well than you will be watching the rest of the game with tunnel vision.
Reviewing the penalties..
P1. R326 No call. Sorry I don't see it. The check was made chest to chest, the Wave player was checking up to avoid the contact thus putting himself on his heels. Bad play. The play is 50/50 to me. I would be upset if my team took the hit, happy if my team made the hit.
P1. Called cross check. B17 on W14 No problem there
P1. No call on B88 hitting from behind. Watch the video again, I see contact made to the shoulder first as wave player tried to turn out of it. Good no call in my opinion
P1. Bad call W88 2 and 10. I can see this as a bad call. Problem is the Wave player got his hands up high and the Bears Head went backwards. Unless the ref is looking at those two exact players, he will only see the reaction point which I can see why he called it the way he did. Offending players hands high and head snapping backwards is usually an auto call. If anything, the wave player should have been assessed a 2 min for interference because  the Bear player was not playing the puck. Bad call maybe, but not a conspiracy
P2. B17 called for boarding. I think this is a 50/50 call as well. Contact was made inside the face off circle so for me pretty hard to justify boarding. Wave player lost his balance and went into the board. I can see a 2 min for roughing, a 2&10 for boarding, but not a match. If i was the Bears coach I would also be arguing the call. It was clean contact in my opinion. Wave player was trying to cut across the face circle for inside advantage and Bears player played the body. I would not have called it at all.
P2. Too many men. Wave got screwed here. Bears clearly had too many men. Blown call
P2. W17 called for slashing. I would not have called slashing but I would have called roughing. A total dick move hitting someone behind the legs with the minimalist padding.
P2. B25 Boarding. What is the issue here, did they call it?  If so than right call. 2 and 10? Or maybe head contact again a 2 and 10
P3. No call no icing. This is a close call and based off of video review it should have been icing. But if you look at the linesman, from his POV it looks like the trailing wave player makes contact with the stick of the bears player who shot it down the ice. That is why he is making the movement with his hands that it was off of another player. These are not professionals so you have to expect them to miss a call like this once in a while.
P3. B49 interference on w19 , good call
P3. B17 for interference. A 50/50 call in my opinion. But definitely not boarding.
P3. No call on B81 on W93. Should have been a penalty.
P3. No call on B49 cross check. There is no cross check. Player 49 did not extend his arms in a forward jerking motion. He pushed him down which is not the same. Also you mentioned typical jousting earlier, this is normal stuff when pucks are near the net. I am sure there is some examples of the same type of stuff happening in front of the wave net.

I have no kid that plays in CAHA so I am not picking sides here. But I can see why or how some calls were made. Homering.... could be, but not to the extent that I would get on the forums and complain about it.


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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 01:49:44 PM »
Wow  :)

Falcons Hockey

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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2017, 11:25:54 AM »
Didn't watch the video but I would say you are seeing a reality in hockey.  Your comments are not unique to CAHA.  Wait until your son gets to Jr's :)  Different issues but at the end of the day refs are human and they have good days and they have bad days. 


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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 02:23:08 PM »
I asked the head official about a 4-man system for all 14U games and above and his response was, "Parents didn't want to pay for it. With each referee is the additional cost of paying that referee. That cost would trickle down to the parents' monthly payments. A parents group was presented with this option but it was rejected due to the price increase.".


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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2017, 03:17:32 PM »
i just wasted 5 minutes of my life

4 check

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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2017, 06:31:17 PM »
i just wasted 5 minutes of my life



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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2017, 12:51:26 PM »
i just wasted 5 minutes of my life


  • Mite
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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2017, 06:33:20 AM »
Here's my recommendation... If your kid is planning on playing anything higher than 18AA, you going to get an Ulcer. For your own peace of mind and health, beer league might be his best option. [size=78%] [/size]

Reality check

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Re: CAHA Game Officiating and Lack Of Governance
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2017, 07:43:05 AM »
WOW that was interesting ! And nothing will happen.