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Author Topic: Tryout Dates  (Read 32777 times)


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Re: Tryout Dates
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2017, 03:35:30 PM »
@gr8work.  I was wondering if you would expound on your thought.  How about 16AAA as well?  Kids missed 20+ days of school and how many of those will move to juniors and D1 colleges?  Someone said less than 1 in 10 and by the time they hit 20, the chances become less.  Some will play club hockey in college, but at what point does getting a good college education outweigh those pursuing AAA.  Many of the best will be gone off to juniors by then.  I guess the same could be said for all college vs. a good job, except for those 1-percenters that will make money in hockey.  So...for us west-coasters, is AAA really the way to go at over $30K a year?
16AAA is, in my opinion, ok to stay in the state but only if you play for the Ducks, Kings or Sharks.  The reason for that is you want to be on Tier1 Elite League team and have a chance to go to the SCAHA/CAHA/District camps and because of politics you are much more likely to be selected if you are on one of those teams.  Sending your 16 year-old to Prep school is tough and you will miss a big year of them growing up.  That said, most of the players I know that have gotten D1 scholarships or are playing Jrs. at 17 left California at 16 or 15 (the USA U16 team has 1 such California player who went to Shattuck at 15, the other CA contenders this year didn't make it).
I think it's ok to wait until 17 (assuming this makes your son a Junior in high school, prep schools don't want kids to join their senior year).  But if you're son goes back to Prep and then gets too homesick and returns the next year, you have to seriously consider that they shouldn't play Jrs. or go to college away from home, and that is part of the thinking of the coaches looking at your players.  If they couldn't handle being away from home at 17, what makes you think they will be ok with that at 18?  ON the other hand, if your son (or daughter for that matter) does well in Prep school and can be away, they are more likely to handle Jrs or College. 
18AAA in California just doesn't have the same cache as prep.  Look at the U17 USA Nationals team at 40% of the team came from Prep schools, 0% from California teams.

Do i think the California kids don't deserve it? Of course not, but they don't play consistently at the same level as prep does week after week.


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Re: Tryout Dates
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2017, 06:43:49 AM »
The input has been great, but nobody has addressed how missing dozens of days of school at the 16AAA level in California has affected grades?  That is the big selling point for prep school.  Virtually no missed school...far better school with 1-8 teacher/student ratios, no wasted time on TV and video games and a culture that education comes first, though at a hefty price unless you get financial aid.  I remember a few years back, SCAHA gave a patch for good grades, but then the patches weren't distributed until season's end.  What a joke.  Tell me...when has your kids coach EVER asked to see a report card?  I can tell you that in 10 years, I have never had a coach ask for that, both here and in No Cal.  That would indicate they simply do not care.  All colleges say that hockey talent is important, but so are your grades.  What is the minimum..2.7?  But they tell you, that is only the worst of the colleges with most demanding upwards of 3.5-3.8 and higher.  Did you take a look at the U17 National Team just announced?  One California kid and many of the others?  Yep.  Prep schools.  I know I don't want to lose my kid at 16, but when do you put school above west coast hockey?  Seems like a bit of a bait and switch...promises of glory if you pay for a lot of clinics, but still, most of those kids might play a little juniors and then settle down and realize they will have to find real jobs.  As for those prestigious camps? Yes...the top kids get recognized and move on, but we all know that a number of those kids move on because of the names on their jerseys.  I do not have any advice but "buyer beware".  D3 and club hockey is great for those not moving on to the NHL and at least you get to pick your college instead of hoping to get drafted and being told where you are going to play.  Of course, if you truly have what it takes, go for it!  You don't want to look back and say "what if?"  In the end, this is a huge decision year for many.  Junior year grades, along with SAT/ACT prep is extremely important.  If your kid isn't going to the NHL, is it really worth the sacrifice to miss that much school and bring As down to Bs and Cs? 
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 01:31:42 PM by islandhockey »


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Re: Tryout Dates
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2017, 12:51:00 PM »
You got it fellas.  Like hockey, a real education takes significant amount of focused time, practice and a development plan.  Those of us out in the business world know that the difference here is that having higher caliber brain skills and personality opens a world of opportunities throughout life.  The next 60+ years of our kids lives are being hugely impacted by near term decisions.

Puck Yeah

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Re: Tryout Dates
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2017, 09:41:19 AM »
Some coaches still ask for Report Cards.  My son got sat for an entire game due to a bad 1/2 semester grade.

On the other hand a bunch of parents got in a huff about being asked and insisted "it was none of the coach's business".  So who is to blame for the issue? Parents don't want their Prima Donas to have consequences.  It is society wide not just a hockey problem.

You hear it everywhere you go.  "Kids these days"  no work ethic, obese, video addicts etc.  Kids aren't born that way, they are taught.  It is not a kid problem, it is a parent problem.


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Re: Tryout Dates
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2017, 10:09:33 AM »
I agree with you whole-heartedly!  Look at a bad kid and often times, you look at the parents and shake your surprise there.  Too many parents want to be "cool" or their kid's friend...not a parent.  Grades mean EVERYTHING....Coaches should ask and tell parents if their kids get shitty grades, they will sit.  If they don't like it, find another team, but keep in mind.  Virtually all school sports, including college, until adulthood, will have a minimum grade requirement.